Firmware version 1.4.1p2 changelog * Add untested support for Korean LG SD711 modem * Add Huawei specific NCM driver to support some E3276 variants (and possibly E3131) * various changes to the handling of ralink-based wifi adapters to minimize the impact of installation/enabling/disabling on the system * add static nat crosslock setting * Fix obscure issue where STUN results would get stuck at UDP blocked * fully reset USB host controller after EMI events are detected * more aggressively prevent media buffer manager from exceeding configured maximum delay when a/v sync is in use Firmware version 1.4.1 changelog * Support for Verizon U620L * Bug fixed where temporarily losing connection to the switchboard server would immediately terminate crosslock sessions * New dynamic adapter selection algorithm--Crosslock will calculate the highest quality and lowest delay combination of available networks to achieve the desired target rate, and temporarily quarantine any adapters not contributing to those targets. * General Crosslock buffer improvements * Report the state of each connection to the remote end (backward compatible protocol change) * Always note loss rate (previously squelched when connection was considered queuing) * When calculating overall rx delay/rtt statistics, only examine connections that are enabled at the remote end * Schedule redundant packets on all inactive connections * Simplify rtx request logic * Replace simplistic connection activation logic * Added special ppp configuration option for E392 adapter (defaulted off) Firmware version 1.4 changelog 1) This release requires a new version of the iPhone and Android app. The new versions will not work with older LiveShot firmware 2) New delay slider function and meanings as outlined in manual addendum 3) Bug fixes: a) auto-delay uses max of 5sec b) auto-delay takes rtt from connection with lowest max rtt rather than highest c) Network adapter detach would cause system reset d) stun deadlock fix e) changes to SIP protocol to support Luci Live video app f) fix to minimize memory usage and prevent crash under multi-crosslock conditions g) Addition of network device with much lower delay than the current device no longer causes throttling on the original device h) Various improvements to the handling of FEC, packet fragmentation and throttle/unthrottle behavior i) Crosslock option to enable a base constant FEC rate (default 0%) j) Crosslock option to enable packet stuffing to avoid situations where a connection will not unthrottle because of low bitrate from the video encoder (default disabled) k) Crosslock connection MTU discovery process, crosslock MTU option removed l) Audio/video media packets are tagged with appropriate DSCP codes m) Crosslock will hard throttle at 150% of the throttle bitrate, discarding any excess transmitted media packets (except audio, which are marked as highest priority) n) Interlaced/B-frame encoded video may now have a throttle-related frame rate divider applied, but the qp threshold is higher and the max divider is lower o) Fix bug with overridden A/V input port setting p) Fix bug with crosslock client addresses unexpectedly changing q) QMI enhancements r) AC340U driver now uses rawip QMI transport. s) Video profile low delay option expanded into "rate control" option which offers "unconstrained" (same as low delay off), "low delay" (same as low delay on), and "bitrate constrained" (new option which may help on bitrate constrained networks) t)Video transmission is paused when throttle rate falls below 5% of the original target bitrate